Andrzej Szymczyk | Seahorse II
Medium: Bronze
Size (cm): H:52cm, L:20cm, W:11cm
Year: 2020
International and award-winning Sculptor Andrzej Szymczyk was born in Krakow/Poland.
He graduated with an MA degree in Fine Arts in the faculty of Sculpture from The Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow in 2012. He also studied at Newcastle University in the department of Fine Art from 2010-2011. Member of RSMA and Bow Arts Trust. Awarded with RSMA New Generation Award 2019. Exhibited at SPS FACE22.
Andrzej has a great interest in subjective perception more than in scientific measurements. His sculptures try to capture the unique sensation and poetic characteristics of nature that come from his unique and artistic perspective. It may nevertheless reveal truths about it that you won’t find in “dry” facts. He is expressing his mind in three-dimensional form in space and scale relating to the viewer and manipulating, distorting, adding and removing: proportions, tensions, weights and scale to achieve the desired “feeling” about the sculpture. The subject’s movement and balance are essential for him to be included in the piece to express its nature.
His inspirations are mainly from the relationship between his life and the surrounding nature. It can be a childhood memory as well as an impression from my travels. He particularly enjoys Diving which gives him access to the fascinating underwater world full of amazing and inspiring creatures. The impression of a creature in its natural environment and your body present and exposed for direct interaction with it is far away from studying its subject in a laboratory, library or home-safe environment. He is also trying to capture my impression rather than recreate an anatomically accurate representation.
When he encounters animals, he looks into their eyes and tries to connect on a fundamental level to resonate with their state of mind.
Andrzej has practised Judo since he was seven and has competed at high international levels. The discipline has a significant impact on every aspect of my personality. The mindset of judo is also how he approaches life; it means dealing with problems and tasks in a resourceful manner and never settling for anything less than the absolute best. In terms of my sculpture, He is trying to achieve perfection at every stage along the way to completing a finished piece. These highest standards of perfection are what he strives to live by and are what guide him in his art.
£5,000 (exc. VAT)