Since the first edition, the Sunny Art Prize has tried to establish a global exchange between artists and communities.

The response from both artists and the public has been phenomenal. The Prize has obtained over 5,000 submissions from all over the world. Our website can also provide 70K unique visitors to artists that wish to expose their work as well as a community of over 50K subscribers among our newsletter and social media. The Prize also ranks on the first page of Google results and has 6.8million search engine's results.

If you wish to donate any amount for this project, our community will know about your contribution, and we have a set of rewards to say thank you.

Patrons - £40

Physical copy of the exhibition catalogue (worth £25)
Sunny Art Centre fine cotton tote bag (worth £10)
Online recognition
Digital catalogue
Invitation to Opening Ceremony

Bronze Patrons - £180

1 free drawing and painting workshop at Sunny Art Centre (worth £33.60)
Name on wall of exhibition’s contributors
Fine cotton tote bag (worth £10)
Physical copy of exhibition catalogue (worth £25)
Digital catalogue
Online recognition
Invitation to Opening Ceremony
A4 certificate to commemorate your support

Silver Patrons - £500

4 drawing and painting workshops at Sunny Art Centre London (worth £129.60)
limited edition catalogue (worth £150)
Digital catalogue
Name on exhibitions walls
Fine cotton tote bag (worth £10)
Online recognition
Invitation to Opening Ceremony
A4 certificate to commemorate your support and Eternity trophy
Framed A3 print of a shortlisted artwork of your choice with artist’s signature (worth £150)

Gold Patrons - £2,500

8 drawing/painting workshops at Sunny Art Centre London (worth £249.60)
Signed framed A3 print of a shortlisted artwork (worth £150)
Limited edition catalogue (worth £150)
Digital catalogue
Name on exhibitions walls
Fine cotton tote bag (worth £10) +Online recognition
2xVIP Invitation to Opening Ceremony (2 drinks included)
10% off tickets for future events and artwork sales
A4 certificate to commemorate your support

Platinum Patrons - £5,000

12 drawing/painting workshops at Sunny Art Centre London
Limited edition catalogue signed by all artists (worth £500)
Signed framed A3 print of a shortlisted artwork (worth £150)
Name on exhibitions walls
Fine cotton tote bag
Online recognition
Digital catalogue
2xVIP Invitation to Opening Ceremony (2 drinks included)
15% off any ticket for future events and artwork sales
A4 certificate to commemorate your support

VIP Opening Invitation