

  • £3,000
  • A public solo exihibition in London
  • A group exihibition in London
  • A one-month residency in China (either in Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou)
  • A group show in China (either in Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou)

II Prize

  • £2,000
  • A group exhibition in London
  • A one-month residency in China (either in Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou)
  • A group show in China (either in Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou)

III Prize

  • £1,000
  • A group exihibition in London
  • A one-month residency in China (either in Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou)
  • A group show in China (either in Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou)

27 shortlisted artists will also participate in a group exhibition at the Sunny Art Centre, London. From these 27, 7 artists will be selected to exhibit their works at one of our partners' galleries in China along with the three Prize winners.




  • £3,000
  • A public solo exihibition in London
  • A group exihibition in London
  • A one-month residency in China (either in Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou)
  • A group show in China (either in Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou)

II Prize

  • £2,000
  • A group exhibition in London
  • A one-month residency in China (either in Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou)
  • A group show in China (either in Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou)

III Prize

  • £1,000
  • A group exihibition in London
  • A one-month residency in China (either in Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou)
  • A group show in China (either in Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou)

27 shortlisted artists will also participate in a group exhibition at the Sunny Art Centre, London. From these 27, 7 artists will be selected to exhibit their works at one of our partners’ galleries in China along with the three Prize winners.





Register an
Make payment for the entry fee.
£25 for 1 entry
£32 for 2 entries
£40 for 3 entries
£45 for 4 entries
(Exc. VAT) 
Upload the photos of your
Complete your
personal statements
and CV
Review and submit 



Register an account

Make payment for the entry fee.
£25 for 1 entry,
£32 for 2 entries,
£40 for 3 entries,
£45 for 4 entries
(Exc. VAT) 

Upload the photos of your artworks

Complete your personal statements and CV

Review and submit 


Register and submit your application online now!


Complete, review or submit your application


  Forgot my password


Register and submit your application online now!


Complete, review or submit your application


  Forgot my password
  • Sunny Art Prize 2024  Call for Artists
    Application Deadline: 30th June 2024  (23:59 BST)
  • Stage 1 | Exhibition Selection via Online Submission: Announcement of the 30 shortlisted artists (shortlisted artists will exhibit at the Sunny Art Prize 2022 Exhibition at the Sunny Art Centre): 30th September 2024(23:59 BST)
  • Sunny Art Prize 2024  Call for Artists
    Application Deadline: 30th June 2024  (23:59 BST)
  • Stage 1 | Exhibition Selection via Online Submission: Announcement of the 30 shortlisted artists (shortlisted artists will exhibit at the Sunny Art Prize 2022 Exhibition at the Sunny Art Centre): 30th September 2024(23:59 BST)

Who can apply?
Submissions are accepted from every country in the world and are all equally judged. Please note that you must be at least 18 years old to enter the competition.

What can I submit?
You can submit artworks that belong to one of these categories (if your piece is made with different materials and media, please submit it as a mixed media piece).

•Painting  •Sculpture •Photography •Ceramic •Prints (digital and printed) •Installation art •Mixed Media (including 3D and wall-hung pieces) •Video art (including moving image, projected work and digital installations) •Drawing

What is the maximum size?
All 2D work such as painting, drawing and projected videos (including moving images and installations) must be 120x120cm in size max including the frame. All 2D work must be framed with an external frame (the canvas frame will not be considered as a frame).

All three-dimensional work, including sculptures, ceramics, and mixed media artworks, must be 80x80x80cm max in size. Installation art (whether made of mixed media or digital) must be assembled on-site at the exhibiting location and can reach 100x100x100cm max.

What do we look for?
We wish to discover artists who engage with pressing contemporary issues.

Winners of previous editions did so by raising awareness of global issues and themes ranging from climate change, the current international debate regarding immigration and refugees to our perception of identity, gender, and much more.

Underneath the log-in/sign-up portals here below you will also find a full breakdown of the rules and T&Cs governing the competition. 

What do you need to complete the application?
In order to complete the application with all the necessary information, please have these details ready:

  • Personal Details
  • Your Artwork Details (You can upload a maximum of 3 photos per artwork, max 3MB of file size for each).
  • Your CV (max 2000 words) and 2 Statements (One about your practice and one about the work you will submit, max 1000 words each).


These Terms and Conditions (the “T&Cs”) will apply to any artwork(s) (the “Entry(es)”) that you will submit for the Sunny Art Prize (the “Competition”) to Sunny Art Centre (the “Gallery”) and your participation, in any event, organised to support your career, including during any exhibition (the “Exhibition”) and residency programme (the “Residency”).

The Sunny Art Gallery is located in London at 30 Gray’s Inn Road, WC1X 8HR (registered office), and is a limited company registered in England and Wales (company number 08234204) with VAT no. 231072552

The first Exhibition will take place at the gallery’s location, while any subsequent exhibition will take place at our partner’s gallery (es) (the “Partners”) in China (Please refer to our “Galleries” section on our website for more information).

“You” and “You are” is hereby intended to refer to the person submitting the Entries for the competition, including any agent, gallery or representative of the person owning the Entries. “You” might be referred to as “Artist” in certain sections. All correspondence with artists will be via email unless specifically requested otherwise. If you require more information or have any questions regarding the Competition, You can contact us at the following email address:

  1. Who Can Submit?

1.1. The Competition is open to all Artists regardless of their location in the world.

1.2. You must be at least 18 years old in order to enter the Competition.

1.3. You must be the Entries’ creator, and you must have the right to submit them for the competition. If someone else is offering on your behalf (e.g. an agent or a gallery), they must have the right and authorisation from you to do so.

  1. What Can Be Submitted?

2.1 You can submit Entries that fall under the categories of sculpture, painting, drawing, original print, photography, ceramic, mixed media, installation, video art and moving image, digital art (including physical work which is computer-generated, e.g. digital prints). This is regardless of the medium of the Entry. If You submit Entries but are unsure if the medium is accepted for review, if it
falls under one of the categories above, Your Entry will be accepted for review.

2.2 The Entry must be 120 x 120 cm maximum if two-dimensional (including frame where applicable and projected images, video, and digital art installations). If Your Entry is three-dimensional, its size must be 80 x 80 x 80 cm maximum.

2.2.1 Two-dimensional work must be framed.

2.3. You will not be able to change Your Entries once you have finally submitted your application for the competition. Your submission is final.

2.4. You can submit a maximum of four Entries.

2.5. All Entries must be original work that has been made within three years from the date of the submission deadline (please refer to the gallery’s “Dates and Rules” page for more information).

2.6. You must ensure that the entries You submit for the competition will conform to all applicable health and safety standards and regulations. You agree to indemnify the gallery for any potential cost, damage, loss, or expense, which may result or arise from a breach of such standards and

2.6.2. Therefore, You must ensure that Your Entries are in conditions to withstand handling and display during the Exhibitions.

  1. Submission and Price

3.1. The Fee to submit Your Entries (the “Fee”) for the Competition vary depending on whether You wish to Submit one, two, three, or four Entries. Submission fees can be found on the “Apply Now”  page and are exclusive of VAT.

3.2. You can submit Your Entries for the Competition online, using the Gallery’s Online Submission portal (available in the “Apply Now” section on the Gallery’s website). 

3.4. The Fee is non-refundable. You will not be refunded the Fee if you later decide to withdraw your application for the competition. The submission fee is non-refundable in case You have left your application incomplete, and You did not fully submit it. This is because the submission Fee is also
used by our IT to handle the data and the information provided when reviewing the details inputted on your application (including clearing it after the Application Deadline).

3.5. the Gallery does not store or retain information about Your Payment details regardless of the payment method.

3.6. Entries submitted without paying the Fee will not be accepted or considered for the Competition

  1. Photographs of Work

4.1 It is now a requirement that You upload an image of the work when registering for the competition online or if using the form.

4.2 It is compulsory that You upload one image of the entire work (including all the parts of a diptych or triptych). Please note that the first round of judging is completed digitally. It is therefore important that the photographs uploaded are of high quality and as clear as possible.

4.3. Photographs must be 2M in size maximum and must be Jpegs. No other format will beaccepted.

  1. Selection Process and Final Judging

5.1. The Gallery will shortlist 30 (thirty) artists to exhibit at the Gallery’s location in London. Your submission must be completed in its entirety entering all the required information in the Online Application Form or offline submission form. Failure to do so will mean that Your Entries will not be admitted and will be withdrawn from the selection process.

5.2. You will not receive a refund for submitting Your Entries if You are not shortlisted.

5.3. The Gallery may shortlist fewer Entries than the number submitted during the application process.

5.4. From the selection of 30 artists, the Gallery will shortlist 10 artists that will exhibit Entries in the Partners’ galleries. Three of these 10 shortlisted artists will be elected as the first three winners (Final Judging).

5.4.1 The Gallery will shortlist the 10 artists (as well as the first three winners) prior to the beginning of the first Exhibition in London.

5.4.2 The Gallery may listen to the public opinion regarding the selection of the first three winners through social media user-generated content. If you are shortlisted, we may create a hashtag associated with the competition for user-generated content. The final decision (with regards to the shortlisting of the first three winners) rests solely on the gallery, who shall remain impartial regardless of media popularity and response towards artists. The purpose of user-generated-content is for a larger reception of Your shortlisted Entries and to allow You to engage further with audiences who
may not be able to physically visit the Exhibition.

5.5. The Gallery may accept or decline any Entry submitted for this competition at any time and at its own discretion. The gallery’s decision is final.

5.5.1 The Gallery reserves the right to withdraw the admission to the competition, at any time, if any for any reason, the Entries, or any circumstances surrounding the display of such Entries, expose or appear to reveal the gallery to potential or actual damage to its reputation, risk of a legal proceeding or enforcement including, without limitation, the alleged breach of third party intellectual property rights.

5.5. A breakdown of all important dates about announcements and judging rounds is available on the gallery’s website on the dedicated “Dates and Rules” section. All curatorial matters of display and arrangements of the Entries are at the complete discretion of the gallery.

  1. Sale 

6.1. All work submitted must be available for sale.

6.2. The Artist’s Prices (the “Artist Price”), which You will have to specify during the application process, are the final prices that will be paid to You in case of a sale of an Entry, and they should be carefully considered.

6.3. Entries that are not for sale cannot be entered into this competition. If Your Entry has been shortlisted or selected for the Exhibition, it will be offered for sale for a period of time until the end of the Exhibition (s) and through different channels, including the gallery’s website and on-site.

6.3.1. You accept that all work submitted will be available for sale in the Exhibition (s) and on the gallery’s website until the end of the Competition and Exhibition when you will be required to collect the Entries.

6.4. The sale of an Entry during the period of the Exhibition (s) will be subject to a 30% commission (the “Commission”) from the final retail price (charged on VAT exclusive price) to the gallery. The gallery will add the Commission on the Artist’s Price provided by You during the application process.

6.4.1. If you are VAT registered, you must include any tax required in the Artist’s Price when submitting Your Entries.

6.4.2 The Gallery will pay You within 30 working days following the sale of an artwork, and all arrangements for this shall be made in writing.

6.4.3 The Gallery shall not be liable, under any circumstances, for any tax You may be due to pay following the sale of an Entry either to the government of the United Kingdom or any other country from which the sold Entries have been invoiced.

  1. Delivery (Including collection) & Insurance

7.1. Entries must be delivered to the gallery only if they have been shortlisted in the first round of selection. We will notify You about dates for when the Entries shall be delivered and will authorise you with instructions to do so.

7.2. Entries must be unpacked before they are handed over to the gallery’s team, especially if delicate and fragile.

7.2.1 We accept deliveries from the majority of third-party commercial couriers. Please note that the Entries must be packed adequately.

7.3. The Gallery cannot organise transportation, and any expense associated with transportation will not be borne by the gallery. This applies to all deliveries, including those to or from any of the Partners’ galleries as well as to and from the gallery.

7.4. The Gallery will not be liable for any loss or damage to any Entries physically transported at any point during the competition, caused either in transit to and from the Exhibition (s) or during any period of storage, packing or unpacking.

7.5. The Gallery will be unable to store any packing material; this includes but is not limited to crates.

7.6. You are not required to deliver plinths, display items or similar items. The gallery will arrange the exhibits according to the decisions of its own curatorial team and use its own display items.

7.7. The Gallery will not provide insurance cover during the entire period of the competition (including during Exhibitions) and cannot be liable for any loss or damage to the Entries.

7.7.1 If loss or damage arises or is the direct result of the gallery’s negligence or mishandling of the work, only while in the premises of the Gallery or Partners’ galleries, sufficient insurance cover will be provided and shall not exceed: The Artist’s Price as submitted during the application process shall exclude any delivery or packaging costs. The amount established by an independent, expert evaluator appointed by the gallery in case of a dispute over the value of the work, which shall exclude any delivery or packaging costs.

7.8. Before the end of the Exhibition (s), You will be informed about when the Entries must be collected. The gallery will email You a Collection Form which You must Sign and provide to the gallery (either by post or email using a scanned version).

7.10. If, after 90 days from the date established by the gallery for the Collection of the Entries, You have not collected them, the gallery reserves the right to sell them or destroy/dispose of them at any time.

7.11. If you are delivering framed two-dimensional artworks, You must ensure that the corners are protected with soft padding to avoid damage.

7.11.1 Please do not install D-rings, protrusions, or hanging fixtures as they may damage the Entries during transport. You can tape them on the back of the frame, and they will be installed by the gallery’s team.

  1. The Residency

8.1. The first three winners shall be awarded the opportunity to engage in a residency programme. The location of the residency changes every year (please visit the “International Artists Residency Programme Page” for more information). The length of the Residency is of 1 month.

8.2. You shall be liable for any travel arrangements to and from the location of the residency. This is usually organised at least 3 months from the date of its beginning. The Gallery may arrange a suitable date for the residency with You in order to accommodate potential specific needs and availability.

8.3. The Gallery shall cover all accommodation costs for the Residency and for the facilities provided during the period of the Residency.

  1. Money Prize

9.1. The first winner shall receive a prize money of £3,000.

9.2. The second winner shall receive a prize money of £2,000

9.3. The third winner shall receive a prize money of £1,000

9.4. The Prize money shall be awarded in instalments over a period no longer than 12 months.

  1. Intellectual Property Rights

10.1. You must be the owner of the Entries and must confirm that the pieces submitted are of Your own origination. You must hold all moral and intellectual property rights for all the Entries submitted for the competition. If the work is not of Your own origination, You must present the gallery with the
authorisation to exhibit the Entries on behalf of the owner of the intellectual property rights.

10.2. By submitting Your Entries for this competition, you agree that the gallery or any other third party permitted by the gallery can:

10.2.1. Copy or reproduce the Entry(es) by taking images, shots or videos of parts or of the whole Entry(es) for archival, marketing, promotional, and educational Use.

10.2.2. Use of material as in 10.2.1 includes, but is not limited to, the right to be broadcasted or reproduced on the gallery’s (or Partners’) website, catalogues, exhibition posters, prints, and marketing material (both printed and digital).

10.3. Consent with regards to clause 10.1. and 10.2. is irrevocable and shall be withstanding in perpetuity and worldwide, including after the period of the competition.

10.4. Please note that members of the public may take photographs of Your Entries. This will be allowed by the gallery only if taken for personal, educational, and non-commercial use. The gallery shall not be liable if images are content is used otherwise by the public.

  1. Liability

11.1. The Gallery or their agents undertake no responsibility whatsoever for any loss of or any damage to artworks entrusted to them. Whether this is arising from fire, default, error, neglect, theft by carriers, packers or other persons and whether in their employment or not. All goods are at the artist owner’s risk, and the gallery or their agents exclude all liability to the maximum extent permitted by law. You are recommended to cover your work with insurance at all times.

11.2. The Gallery shall not be liable to You for any loss of business, profits, damage to reputation, or loss/damage of whatever nature occurring or arising out of or in connection with the competition.

11.3. Subject to clause 7.7.1., the gallery shall not be liable for any damage or loss to Entries (including frames) through the ordinary course of handling the Entries.

11.4 The Gallery shall not be liable for the value of Your entries as stated in Your application form.

  1. Access to Online Website

12.1 The Gallery’s website usually operates on a 24-hours a day service. The Gallery shall not be liable if the website is unavailable in part or whole at any time (including 48 hours prior to the submission deadline). Access to the website may be suspended temporarily and without notice in the case of system failure, maintenance, repair, or for reasons beyond the Gallery’s control.

  1. Modification of Terms and Conditions

13.1. Sunny Art Centre may amend the terms and conditions of the Art Prize (for both submitting the artworks and participating in the competition for shortlisted and winning artists) at any time by reasonable notice, including without limitation by posting revised terms on its website at the URL, which amended terms and conditions shall be binding upon you.

13.2. These terms and conditions shall be governed by English law. Therefore, any dispute shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

13.3. These rules are binding upon You from the moment You will submit Your Entries.