Oil Painting
The unique possibility of continually reworking and layering oils offers the art student unparalleled possibilities in the depiction of form, light and colour. Our courses range from a clear and comprehensive introduction to the often intimidating basics of oil painting, to lessons shaped to the individual requirements of more advanced students. Experimentation in this field of painting is almost endless, and our tutors are committed to arming you with the knowledge to manipulate this medium in the manner most suited to your unique aesthetic.
This course is suitable for those new to oil painting as well as catering to students who would like to refine their skills. Art students can also use this course to work on oil painting projects for their art portfolio. Students will also be expected to achieve:
- A comprehensive understanding of the steps of oil painting techniques
- Familiarity with the variety of materials and techniques specific to oil painting
- A solid knowledge of colour values and textural qualities in oil painting
- The confidence and skills to develop your own style within the medium
- An ability to approach any subject, be it portraiture, landscape, or still life
Our art courses are based on individual tuition with a maximum of 10 students allowed per class. Students will practice with different subjects and following a unique study plan according to each student’s skill level. Our tutors will closely work with each student, providing step by step guidance.
You will have an online account to book any of our weekly lessons via our website. Bookings will allow the tutors to know that you are coming and arrange the suitable subjects according to the feedback on your account. Your account will also be used by our tutors to leave feedback about your progress which is shared with the other teachers. This information allows tutors from different timeslots to be briefed on your progress, including what you did in the previous lessons, and what you should do in the upcoming ones, so to provide you with structured and sustained tuition.
As all our tutors are briefed on your progress, the time slots you book each week do not necessarily have to be on the same days and with the same tutors. For example, you can book a lesson on Wednesday with the tutor on duty this week and then book a Thursday lesson (which has a different tutor) for the week after.
If you have enrolled for a particular course, our tutors will cover all the necessary technical skills and guidelines that you should practice (see the tables below). We encourage students to attend lessons with different tutors as well. Many of them have different approaches to something you may have to learn, therefore enriching your views on how to approach a subject or a technique.
Choose A Course
This longer beginner’s course for oil painting will provide you with all the necessary knowledge to begin more complex compositions spanning different genres, be it portraiture, landscape, still life, or life painting, through expanding upon the technical aspects of the previous 40 lessons.
In the extended beginner course, students will explore ways of seeing and portraying a variety of subjects while gaining confidence in the application of oil paint. Lessons will also include an introduction to the work of old masters, whose technical expertise and compositional achievements will serve to instruct and inspire students further.
This course will include a basic introduction to techniques and materials as students work towards creating an ‘underpainting’, allowing them to get to grips with the basics of oil paint application. As their confidence grows, art students will become further acquainted with a range of paint application techniques, as well as colour mixing. Over the course of completing a painting, students will cover the fundamentals of the art, which they are encouraged to develop through an intermediate course.
How to book?

50 Lessons (2 hours each)
40 Lessons (2 hours each)
20 Lessons (2 hours each)
50 Lessons
£1,150 + VAT (£1,500 | save £350)
9-months course
- Introduction to oil painting techniques
- Introduction to tools and materials
- Develop underpaintings
- Understanding the different applications of oil paint
- Oil paint colour mixing
- Focus on Old Masters
- Approaches to new subject matter and genres
- Compositional techniques
- VIP tickets to exhibition parties and opening receptions
- Your work displayed online
- Be part of our annual exhibition for students
£1,265Add to basket
40 Lessons
£950 + VAT (£1,200 | save £250)
6-months course
- Introduction to oil painting techniques
- Introduction to tools and materials
- Develop underpaintings
- Understanding the different applications of oil paint
- Oil Paint colour mixing
- Focus on Old Masters
- Approaches to new subject matter and genres
- VIP tickets to exhibition parties and opening receptions
- Your work displayed online
- Be part of our annual exhibition for students
£1,045Add to basket
20 Lessons
£600 + VAT
3-months course
- Introduction to oil painting techniques
- Introduction to tools and materials
- Develop underpaintings
- Understanding the different applications of oil paint
- Oil Paint colour mixing
No Certification
- VIP tickets to exhibition parties and opening receptions
- Your work displayed online
£660Add to basket
How to book?

The full course for intermediate oil painting will expand upon the techniques, tools, and materials covered in the first 40 lessons, as well as introducing the student to ‘alla prima’ painting. Oil painting is an art to be developed over a lifetime of practice, and we recommend serious students to commit as much time as they can to learning under the expertise of our art tutors. A full intermediate course will also help you complete to a high finish a number of projects for your portfolio, be it for academic or professional purposes.
This extended course caters to those with a deep interest in oil painting, and a desire to take an amateur interest further. Building on a solid foundation, students can push themselves to achieve the effects they desire under the expert guidance of our art tutors. This course will also allow for the opportunity to explore human anatomy and proportion through the implementation of life painting classes.
Whilst using a full range of paint application techniques, students will be encouraged to explore and develop their own personal touch and style. The use of a greater range of techniques, such as impasto and glazes, will be encouraged as students experiment with surface texture. Students will work towards the completion of more complicated projects, concentrating on composition as well as drawing proficiency and paint quality.
How to book?

50 Lessons (2 hours each)
40 Lessons (2 hours each)
20 Lessons (2 hours each)
50 Lessons
£1,150 + VAT (£1,500 | save £350)
9-months course
- Explore impasto and glazing techniques
- Manipulate textures and surfaces
- Compositional focus (with emphasis on preliminary drawing proficiency and paint quality)
- Implementation of life drawing studies (focus on how to depict the human body with life models)
- Studies of proportion
- Introduction to ‘alla prima’ painting
- Introduction to how to build a body of oil painting work
- VIP tickets to exhibition parties and opening receptions
- Your work displayed online
- Be part of our annual exhibition for students
£1,265Add to basket
40 Lessons
£950 + VAT (£1,200 | save £250)
6-months course
- Explore impasto and glazing techniques
- Manipulate textures and surfaces
- Compositional focus (with emphasis on preliminary drawing proficiency and paint quality)
- Implementation of life drawing studies (focus on how to depict the human body with life models)
- Studies of proportion
- VIP tickets to exhibition parties and opening receptions
- Your work displayed online
- Be part of our annual exhibition for students
£1,045Add to basket
20 Lessons
£600 + VAT
3-months course
- Explore impasto and glazing techniques
- Manipulate textures and surfaces
- Compositional focus (with emphasis on preliminary drawing proficiency and paint quality)
No Certification
- VIP tickets to exhibition parties and opening receptions
- Your work displayed online
£660Add to basket
How to book?

Our most comprehensive series of lessons, this professional level package will equip the student with both a full portfolio of works and a great deal of technical knowledge. We offer a course structure that will focus on the areas of your interest whilst seeking opportunities to expand your knowledge and enrich your working process. Historically the richest of artistic mediums, oils offer almost unlimited possibilities to the inquisitive artist.
We highly recommend this extended course of lessons to those wishing to take an invested interest in oil painting to a higher level. A focus on paint quality, distinctive brushwork and cohesion of style defines this course, as the student gains the confidence to approach any subject with style and technical proficiency.
Our advanced classes in oil painting are structured around the needs and interests of the individual student; art tutors will offer bespoke teaching to students wanting to experiment with varied media for the creation of a range of painterly effects as well as those with an established style looking to fine tune their technique.
How to book?

50 Lessons (2 hours each)
40 Lessons (2 hours each)
20 Lessons (2 hours each)
50 Lessons
£1,150 + VAT (£1,500 | save £350)
9-months course
- How to develop and establish a mature personal style
- Explore new ranges of oil painting techniques and painterly effects
- Approach to complex compositional arrangements
- Develop a distinctive brushwork and cohesion of style
- Focus on paint quality
- Develop confidence in approaching any subject with style and technical proficiency
- Focus on personal project and expansion/ refinement of existing body of work
- VIP tickets to exhibition parties and opening receptions
- Your work displayed online
- Be part of our annual exhibition for students
£1,265Add to basket
40 Lessons
£950 + VAT (£1,200 | save £250)
6-months course
- How to develop and establish a mature personal style
- Explore new ranges of oil painting techniques and painterly effects
- Approach to complex compositional arrangements
- Develop a distinctive brushwork and cohesion of style
- Focus on paint quality
- Develop confidence in approaching any subject with style and technical proficiency
- VIP tickets to exhibition parties and opening receptions
- Your work displayed online
- Be part of our annual exhibition for students
£1,045Book Now
20 Lessons
£600 + VAT
3-months course
- How to develop and establish a mature personal style
- Explore new ranges of oil painting techniques and painterly effects
- Approach to complex compositional arrangements
No Certification
- VIP tickets to exhibition parties and opening receptions
- Your work displayed online
£660Add to basket
How to book?